Northampton Local Food Tour


We start off in downtown Northampton, a vibrant college town with a main street of historic buildings and plenty of unconventional style. It begins with an introduction to each other and our guide in Pulaski Park, we have our first taste of ripe seasonal produce that reflects the 300+ years of agriculture here and the very rich glacial soil that was once a lakebed. During the walking tour we will visit 6 different food venues including an artisanal bakery that sources and mills its grain locally, a restaurant that pickles and preserves local produce to use year round, a butcher that sources all of his meat within 50 miles, and taste local cider from one of the top three cider regions in the world. Questions are bound to arise about the many small independent businesses, the close knit food community and how so many cafes can exist in such a small city. We meet the producers themselves, who demonstrate their pride and passion for their craft. Throughout the tour guests will savor the food, but also the stories, details and encounters that reveal the uncommon character of this cultured city surrounded by farm

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