Horse Whispering With Shelley


Howdy and welcome! Horse whispering (aka natural horsemanship) is a way to interact with horses based on an empathetic view of the motives, needs and desires of all horses. Make no mistake, this isn't riding lessons. Horse whispering is immersing yourself in the language of the horse. Learning how horses think, what they’re saying and how your body language influences a horses thoughts about you. This is done through “groundwork” (working with horses on the ground, not riding them.) These lessons are given by Shelley who is a professional horse whisperer (aka Natural Horsemanship trainer) with over 25 years experience. When you arrive to the farm, Shelley will teach you the “horseman’s handshake” (how to greet a horse properly.) From there, you will learn about how horses communicate with you through their ear position, mouth gesturing, and overall body language. Earn your “herd leader” status and have horses thinking you know it all, following your every move after the first session. Groom and touch horses appropriately and learn about their pressure and energy thresholds. Inside the round pen, you will “play” games that teach you the 3 things horses require. Those are love, language and leadership. You will also learn basic "round penning" skills and understand how your energy, body language and location around horses are paramount

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