Medicine & Drugs Dictionary


Ultimate source for all Medicines and Drugs along with ImagesMedicine and Drugs Dictionary is a free medical dictionary that provides all information about drugs: usages, dosage, how to take, side effects, precautions, drug interactions, missed dose and storage.Medicine & Drug Dictionary Features- Downloaded only once after launch- Full list of drug name and uses along with pictures- Contains more than 3000 drugs and medicines- Detailed drug guide including generics- Medication details describing the impacts of a missed dose and necessary measures.- Complete search for Drug medicine names , Symptoms and Diseases.- Each drug is represented by image for better understanding- Each drug is described with Drug Name, Generic name, Use of medicine, How to take the drug, Precautions, Drug Interactions, Missed dose, Storage and Picture of medicineDISCLAIMER:This android software is only for drugs and medicine study / medical education, should not be used to replace the services / medical advice of a licensed physician or health professional. You should not solely rely on anything contained in the app and you should consult a physician licensed in your state in all matters relating to your health.

Hnoðravellir 46, Hafnafjörður, Iceland
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