Connecting to a once wild Desert Burro


Hi, Howdy and Hello! When you arrive you will meet Georgie and Billy Bob Beer Belly at the gate. Yes , they will be waiting for you! They Love people. They Love Attention and Connection. We will then learn about the history of wild burro's and how they came to me through adoption. I will answer any questions to the best of my ability. We will halter groom and take them for a walk. We can play a game with them going through an obstacle course. If there is time for more fun then I have many other games for us all. They have funny personalities and funny facial expressions. If you are good at capturing moments on your camera, they are great animals to take photo's of. Everyone that has spent time with Georgie and Billy Bob have felt uplifted and happier when they leave! Also the fall and spring are the best times to come because the weather is perfect! March, April May and Sept. Oct. and Nov. but if there is a day you are in town and it's not on the calendar , please send a request and I will try to accommodate you. I can guarantee a most Memorable Experience!!!! Blessings to you All. Teri

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